AdvancedDefrag 4.5 - Serial
Analyzes and defragments disk fragments completely and thoroughly
Advanced Defrag is an award-wining defrag program which is designed to cure system sluggishness and keep your computer run like new.
The product targets on home-office users, it is absolute easy to use, program applies advanced defragment arithmetic which enables you to completely and fast analyze & defrag all the fragment found in your computer disk, effectively maximum the system performance and improve your working efficiency with the computer.
Here are some key features of "AdvancedDefrag":
¡¤ Speedy analyze and defrag thoroughly.
¡¤ Portable, succinct and easy to use.
¡¤ Auto-pilot schedule task.
¡¤ Detailed web-base report for every analyze and defrag action.
¡¤ External USB device support
¡¤ Advanced multithreading, sharing design.
¡¤ File filtration setting support
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