LimeWire Pro 5.5.8 d1shninja Serial | 51.30 Mb
LimeWire is a P2P file-sharing application, letting users share and search for all types of computer files, including movies, pictures, games, and text documents. Other features include dynamic querying, push-proxy support for connecting through firewalls, the ability to preview files while downloading, advanced techniques for locating rare files, and an extremely intuitive user interface.
The Pro version of Limwire features optimized search results, turbo-charged downloads, connections to more sources, more reliable downloads, a special Pro-only skin, free technical support, and free updates for the length of your subscription.
What's new in this version:
Version 5.5.8 fix a bug in which an incomplete download sometimes wouldn't restart.
Operating System Requirements:
This product is designed to run on the following operating systems:
Windows Vista
Windows XP
Windows 2003
Windows 2000
Windows NT
Windows 98
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