SmithMicro Anime Studio Pro (Portable) | 386 MB
Anime Studio Pro Complete 2D Animation for Digital Artists and Professionals! Anime Studio Pro is perfect for professionals looking for a more efficient alternative to tedious frame by frame detailing when creating quality animations. With an intuitive interface and loaded with pre rigged characters and additional content, Anime Studio Pro delivers advanced animation tools and effects to speed up your workflow.
Anime Studio Pro 6
+ Import 3D or 3D imagery and video
+ Save time with bone+ based animation
+ Create amazing special effects
Create professional animations. Anime Studio combines cutting+ edge features with powerful technology to deliver the most unique animation program for digital artists.
+ Bone+ Based Animation Technology + Using Anime Studios bone rigging system, you can add a skeleton to any image by simple point and click, then bring it to life!
+ Ready to Use Content + Choose from pre+ made Anime style characters or create your own using Anime Studios drawing and coloring tools.
+ Import Your Own Artwork + Draw your own or import 2D imagery, 3D imagery or video files.
+ Vector Graphics + Resize your images with no loss in quality using Anime Studios vector+ based layer system.
+ Intuitive Timeline + Anime Studio interpolates through your Timeline so you avoid the tedium of frame+ by+ frame drawing and save time.
+ Audio Support + Add audio soundtracks to your animations. Anime Studio supports WAV and AIFF formats.
+ Adobe Photoshop Integration + Import layered PSD files using a Photoshop plug+ in that converts files to Anime Studio format, included free with Anime Studio Pro.
+ Pen Tablet Support + Draw naturally with a pen tablet and recreate the sensation of drawing on paper.
+ Publish for Multiple Media + Output your animations to video, TV, and web formats.
Anime Studio Pro adds power and more control over your work. Specifically designed for professionals, Anime Studio Pro provides additional content, tools and capabilities to give you more control and flexibility in creating your animations.
+ Additional Professionally+ Designed Content + Anime Studio Pro includes 22 3D objects, 24 2D characters, 33 2D props, and 24 sample animation files.
+ 3D Capabilities + Turn your canvas into a 3D stage with X, Y and Z coordinates. You can import 3D files (OBJ) from Poser, Shade, Amapi and other 3D applications to use in your animations.
+ Advanced Timeline Control + Fine tune your animations with powerful timeline controls, including onion skins, tweening, and graph mode.
+ Professional Special Effects + Use built+ in special effects tools on your animations, or add your own effects with Anime Studios powerful scripting capabilities.
+ Additional Import/Export Capabilities + Import movie formats including AVI and QuickTime. Easily render stills of your animations and export as common 2D image formats or as layered Photoshop files.
+ No Size Restrictions + Anime Studio Pro lets you create animations of unlimited length and file size.
+ Audio Support + Add audio soundtracks to your animations. Anime Studio supports WAV and AIFF formats.
New Features:
+ NEW! Redesigned User Interface and toolset provide a powerful and productive animation environments that minimixes production time and increases your productivity.
+ NEW! Sequencer + Easily adjust the timing and synchronization of audio and video tracks by utilizing the simple timeline. Mix and match audio, video, images and animated components to create digital shorts and animations.
+ NEW! Motion Tracking + Objects can now be attached to visual markers in any video clip allowing you to easily match object and video motion for professional results.
+ NEW! Integrated Lip+ Syncing + Built on the AST production sync library you can now easily synchronize characters lips and mouths through a simple and intuitive process that yields extremely accurate results.
+ NEW! Scatter Brush + Paint with vectors while controlling the size and spacing of each individual object. Allows you to easily create seemingly random fills such as grass, bubbles or stars in a night sky.
+ NEW! Scripting with LUA 5.1 + An update to the versatile LUA engine with more exposure of Anime Studios inner workings, provide you with the power to create your own tools and plug+ ins, create particle effects such as fire and explosions, and customize tool behaviors, to support your workflow.
+ NEW! Auto Shading + Similar to Ambient Occlusion, Anime Studio creates realistic shading based on lines and object contrast within each layer creating stylistic 3D effects.
+ NEW! Content Library + Anime Studio 6 now boasts a visual content library containing hundreds of pieces of content including ready to use characters, props, 3D models, stock video, sound effects and imagery to enhance your creations.
+ NEW! Morph Targets + Create, save, and blend morph targets to combine character expressions and emotions. Save and reuse previous poses and character positions, even blend colors and fills with this time saving and versatile feature.
+ HD Video Support + Full support for importing and exporting High Definition video files then integrate with toon characters, props, audio, and special effects for stunning High+ Def creations.
+ Support for layered Adobe Photoshop vipuments.
+ Built+ in Pen tablet support + Draw naturally with a pen tablet such as the Wacom Intuos 4 and recreate the sensation of drawing on paper. Anime Studio 6 drawing tools support pressure sensitivity where applicable.
New in version 6.1:
+ On Windows, you can change languages in the Preferences dialog. On Mac, use the standard system settings for preferred language.
+ Related to localization, you can now enter non+ English characters in text fields.
+ Facebook video uploads.
Year: 2009
Developer: Smith Micro Software
Platform: PC+ Windows
System requirements:
+ Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows ME, 2000 (SP2 or higher)
+ Windows XP Home / Professional / Tablet PC Edition, Windows Vista
+ 500 MHz Intel Pentium or equivalent Processor minimum
+ 256 MB RAM minimum
+ 50 MB free hard disk space (300 MB free hard disk space for Anime Studio Pro)
+ 16+ bit color display, 1024 x 768 resolution
+ CD+ ROM drive.
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