Roboform is the top-rated Password Manager
and Web Form Filler that completely automates
password entering and form filling.
- Changes from versions 6.9.91 to 6.9.96 -
Version 6.9.96
* Add integration of RoboForm2Go with GoodSync2Go: now RF2Go calls GS2Go when it need to sync.
* Improve form filling in the new Adapter (Frozen APIs).
* Fix RoboForm2Go upgrading RoboForm Fixed on Vista.
* Add Program Compatibility section to manifest for Windows 7.
* Improve GoodSync integration for RoboForm Online.
* Do not ask old Master Password twice in Change Master Password dialog.
Version 6.9.95
* Full support for Firefox 3.5, add Adapter for it to RoboForm installer.
* Remove support for Firefox 1.5 and 2.0 from RoboForm installer, now available by XPI install only.
* Add Sync button to RF toolbar, it controls synchronization with RoboForm Online server.
* Fix auto-submit issues to improve logins at comcast.com and virginiagasprices.com and similar sites.
* Improve throwing JavaScript events to better fill and submit forms.
Version 6.9.94
* Do not show GoodSync mini-window when doing RF Online automated syncs.
* Fix filling Basic Auth dialogs on IE 8 Vista.
* Fix login form filling on eBay Partner Network, T-Mobile UK and similar sites.
* Make AutoSave and auto-fill work on Fidelity web site.
* Fix Custom fields not always matching correctly.
* Country specific Yahoo search in RF Search box.
Version 6.9.93
* RoboForm Online Beta has been released, an easy automated way to
synchronize and backup your Passcards, Identities and Safenotes via RoboForm
Online server. Free for RoboForm Pro users.
* Better JavaScript event throwing when filling forms, so that dell.com and turbotax.intuit.com are filled.
* Major improvements in filling forms with Birth Dates and lower-upper captions.
* Fix losing focus when switching tabs in Firefox using Alt Tab.
* Fix Basic Auth filling in Russian Firefox.
* Add E-bay as a search engine (searchcard based).
* Store Show Match URL editor option in portable options (options.rfo).
Version 6.9.92
* Support Internet Explorer 8.
* Add anti-phishing protection: warn user when filling from passcard whose URL does not match web page.
* Fix not showing all matching passcards in SaveForms dialog for multi-frame multi-domain sites.
* If user has unprotected passcards check them first in AutoSave, to reduce requests of Master Password.
* Use Yandex search engine as default for users with Russian language.
* Fix AutoSave not working in some frames with style position:absolute.
* Fix Editors doing unnecessary second refresh after the external file change.
* Added Firefox 3.1 beta support.
Version 6.9.91
* Ignore _gsdata_ folder in Backup / Restore.
* Search using Baidu for Chinese users.
* Fix Enable RoboForm Shortcut in Browser option.
* Fix bugs in working with Basic Auth in Firefox.
* Fix event processing in Firefox adapter.
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