Kaspersky Pure
Kaspersky Pure 99 mb
Kaspersky PURE is the revolutionary new way to ensure that your PC remains in tip-top condition. Its unique features and functionality have been specially developed to be straightforward for the home user to install and use, while providing exceptional protection:
Kaspersky PURE has ALL of KIS 2010 s tried and trusted functionality, plus a host of interesting new features
Fights digital pollution
Kaspersky PURE keeps malicious content and spam at bay, whilst letting you manage access to your applications, email and the Internet. Additional security tools erase any data-trail, so hackers can t follow.
Protects digital assets
Kaspersky PURE prevents your photos, music, documents, videos, etc. from becoming lost, stolen or corrupted. Advanced backup tools and the latest encryption technology mean that you decide who you share your personal data with.
Safeguards digital identities
Kaspersky PURE has everything you need to protect your digital identity. With a built-in virtual keyboard, the latest in anti-phishing technology and a secure password management system, it won t let you down!
Ensures family-safe content Kaspersky PURE puts you in charge of who uses the PC s on your home network and what they can see and do, both online and off. Detailed reporting systems keep you fully informed and your family safe.
Centralizes security management
Kaspersky PURE allows you to check your network s security status, automatically download and roll out updates from a nominated PC, log events and organize scans and backups from any point on the home network.
Provides all-round protection
Kaspersky PURE is the one-stop-shop for home network protection. It contains everything that you need to manage your network s security and to keep it malware-free, without the need to be an IT expert.
Full antimalware and anti-spam protection, including cutting-edge Sandbox technology for guaranteed safety Contains enhanced detection technologies!
My Control Centre allows centralized management of tasks, reports and updates, etc, from any networked PC NEW!
Password Manager can create, encrypt and store logins, auto-complete forms and has an inbuilt virtual keyboard NEW!
Advanced Parental Control and monitoring of user s Internet access, PC and application use and communications Contains unique, additional features!
File Shredder uses multi-pass technology to make deleted data unrestorable, even with sophisticated software NEW!
Data Backup and Restore assures your data s integrity. Set schedules, restore points and select backup media NEW!
Data Encryption maximizes security. Create, store and transfer data in password-protected, encrypted containers NEW!
Compatible with W7 also.
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