This week Borland has let the beast out. New version the best multi-platform RAD environment has been released. Delphi has a new name: Borland Delphi 7 Studio.
Borland Delphi 7 Studio is designed to be #1 independent path to Microsoft .Net. Borland Delphi 7 Studio enables developers to design applications for numerous Windows platforms, including Win 95, Win 98 and Win 2000, in addition to .Net, as well as for the Linux platform using Kylix
At last, Delphi 7 Studio includes Kylix (version 3), to enable developers to take their applications cross-platform to Linux.
New features range from support for the UML in the Arhitect version, to rapid and visuall building dynamic server-side HTML Web applications inside the Enterprise version. Delphi 7 is armed with several major changes in the following areas: IDE, Web technology, COM, Database technology, Component library, Runtime library, Compiler ? Delphi 7 also ships with Rave Reports (report generating engine) and ModelMaker (modeling/case tool).
Delphi 7 supports Windows XP Themes environments: now you can enable the VCL of Delphi 7 Studio applications to support the enhanced look of Windows XP Themes. Further more, top three editions enable you to create and consume Web Services applications.
Windows platforms, including Win 95, Win 98 and Win 2000, in addition to .Net, as well as for the Linux platform using Kylix
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