Here is nice tool for web designers AllWebMenus Pro, simple to use but yet robust and powerful menu making app released by MESMERiZE group.
Description: AllWebMenus is a web menu builder that requires absolutely no DHTML or Javascript experience from you. It creates cross-browser navigation menus that work alike in all browsers supporting DHTML. A DHTML menu / JavaScript menu can be designed with a simple, tree-like approach. You can then fully customize it by applying a vast available number of features through the Properties Pane or by choosing a predefined appearance from the Theme Gallery. Your drop-down menu can be either vertical or horizontal (popup or drop down menu), can be movable, stay visible while scrolling, contain static or animated images, borders, colors and much more.
Release Name: AllWebMenus.Pro.v5.2.820.Incl.Keygen-MESMERiZE
Size: 8.26 MB
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