Real Desktop 1.57 Final Multilang
Windows Sofware | Real Desktop | 5.64 MB
Get the reality on your desktop! You certainly know, the file queues on your Desktop becomes always longer, daily coming new files and you lose slowly the overview. Are you missing the certain order, the feeling of a genuine desk, just the reality? "Real Desktop" brings back this experience to you again!
Features of Real Desktop:
? 3D Sound
? Activatable Antialiasing
? No performance losses with resting condition of the symbols
? Very less resources needed
? Very efficient, thanks to the "Reality Engine"
Title: Real Desktop
Version: 1.57 Standard Final
Developer: Schillergames
Updated: 2010.04
License / Price: Free
Language: Multilanguage
Platform: Windows 2K/XP/2K3/Vista/7
Size: 5.64 mb
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