cFosSpeed v5.10 Build 1619 Final x86 | 7.01Mb

cFosSpeed is a network driver, which attaches itself to existing Internet connections. It then optimizes data transfer by means of Traffic Shaping. Traffic Shaping is a method for optimizing the Internet traffic. It allows maximum speed while ensuring minimal Ping. You can use cFosSpeed with a router and/or a DSL-modem or cable-modem. You can also use cFosSpeed with other types of Internet access, ie. whenever you already have an existing Internet connection.

cFosSpeed supports a wide variety of connections, like DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS, etc. cFosSpeed has two goals - keep network delays (ping times) small, in order to make Internet applications as responsive as possible. And improve data throughput by avoiding network congestions. You can use cFosSpeed with an Internet connection you use exclusively or which you share with several PCs.
Broadband: Cabel and DSL
Narrow band: Modem and ISDN
DSL, PPPoA (VCmux and LLC)
IP over AAL
RFC1483/2684 bridged

Router and dial-up connections
Router and Bridge-Mode
Multiple connections simultaneously
Adjustable routes
Several IP adresses per adapter

Traffic Shaping:
Multi-User version
TX and RX-Shaping
L7 Protocol Analysis
Prioritization of Programs
RTP/VoIP Detection
5 priority queues
Individual rules with filter language

cFosSpeed 5.10 build 1619 -- 17-Mar-2010

! Removed 'Ask' for dial-up connections. Traffic Shaping is now enabled by default for all dial-up connections. If you don't want Traffic Shaping for a particular dial-up connection, set it to 'no' in the Traffic Shaping dialog.

* Added new concept of "limit classes and filters". They are used before the
"regular classed and filters" are used. Thus, the firewall filters have been moved to the limit filters.

The main difference between limit and regular classes is that -speed parameter for limit classes sets a maximum send speed for packets in this class. With this you can rate-limit your applications or protocols when sending.

There is no user interface save the command line yet. To illustrate, here is an example: Limit app.exe to 20000 bytes/sec: spd limit class slow -speed 20000 spd limit filter -prog app.exe -c slow

Class and filter settings are automatically saved when changed and loaded
when cFosSpeed loads. You can use the full range of filter expressions to
specify which traffic should be rate-limited. See cFosSpeed, faster Internet with Traffic Shaping for the
documentation of filter expressions.

Use "spd limit help" to get a list of subcommands.
+ Added Layer-7 detection for RTMP. Thanks to Vadim for providing the use-case.

+ When the browser or a plug-in like flash controls a multimedia stream downloads/uploads, layer-7 analysis now classifies this as a seperate protocol, called BSTREAM_C/BSTREAM_S. It is prioritized high by default. Unfortunately, all downloads/uploads of video and audio files are also classified as BSTREAM_C/BSTREAM_S, because they look the exactly the same, so the layer-7 analysis cannot distinguish between viewing or downloading a stream. If you download more videos instead of watching their streams, you can set the priority to low.

+ Added "spd openby" function: show you which processes have opened the cFosSpeed device.

+ Minor installation improvement: If the driver is already flagged for deletion, the installer will fail and prompt you to reboot.

+ Minor installation improvement: If driver installation fails, the installer will try to rebuild the inf cache after cleaning old .inf/.pnf files and trying again.

+ Before uninstallation, cFosSpeed setup will now close open dialog windows.

+ Added NSPlayer to the list of streaming clients, so layer-7 detection
finds streams even if not marked with the appropriate content-type
HTTP attribute.

+ We now choose to send pings to a fast responding hop, even if it is further away from us than a slower one. Thanks to PULARITHA1 for inspiration.

+ Now you can switch the type of pinger with "spd pinger ", where prot is "tcp", "udp" or "icmp" to the same ttl and usermode/kernelmod, but different protocol.

+ Class names can now contain any character except SPACE and TAB and even these characters, if you enclose the name in double quotes.

+ Added 2nd monitor support for the status window.

+ Program name lookup for connections has been sped up.

+ "spd class xxx -D" command can now delete a class even if there are still filters pointing to it; the filters are then deleted as well as the class.

+ Added -pid filter expression that matches the process ID of Windows processes. Please note that a process ID is only valid until the process terminates. Yet, it might get re-used by a different process some time later.

+ Added -pid option for "spd connections" to show the Windows process ID foreach connection.

+ Transparent areas in Gadget PNGs are now cut off, so the skin windows fit more easily into the Gadget area.

+ Added "Traffic Analysis Icon Skin"! Thanks to our designer Ingo Guenther.

+ Added support for buttons in taskbar icon skins for Windows 7.

+ Added gset variable auto_burst. Setting "spd gset auto_burst 0 -save" will switch off cFosSpeed's automatic burst to find the line speed when going online.

+ The Traffic Analysis Skin windows now has a little line bar diagram below the slot name (on the left pane) to indicate traffic for each slot individually.

+ Two more languages added: Czech and Serbian (in both Latin and Cyrillic).

That makes a total of 21 languages supported. Even more languages are
downloadable from our web site, here:
cFosSpeed, faster Internet with Traffic Shaping

+ Skin window position is now stored for each skin. This only applies if you disable "auto-arrange".

x For whatever reason, packets of streams with l7-protocols set normal priority did not "fall through" as is documented, but were set to default priority right away. This has been fixed. Thanks to eXtreme for leading my attention there.

x Fixed the way cfosspeed.exe was unloaded. This could have caused problems with the dialogs and system sleep / hibernate.

x Fixed UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP (7f) EXCEPTION_DOUBLE_FAULT bluescreens which could sometimes happen if many device drivers used a lot of stack space. Thanks to Tony Hsieh for his kernel dump.

x Fixed high DPC latency problems, which were reported by Infium98. This could help when you notice occasional stutter of sound output.

x Switches -dscp, -weight, -vlan-id, -vlan-prio can now be used for default
class as well. Thanks to vadim for bug report.

x Fixed non-working pinger in certain setups where application layer gateways or NAT solutions are used that don't honour the TTL properly. Thanks to CDH for his bug report.

x "spd filter -I" with a position that is was too high caused a crash. Fixed.

x Fixed "spd class xxx -speed 0".

x When bursting to find the line speed, cFosSpeed sometimes would send so much data that it virtually froze the machine. Fixed.

x Fixed bug in meta pinger that could have caused a crash.

x Fixed range checking for "msslimit" set variable.

x Driver all too often did not load saved settings and instead used burst to
determine line speed. Fixed.

x Fixed process name resolution for Windows 7 x64.

x Program names in connection overview are now unicode as well.

x spd command line now works with unicode as well.

x Fixed a bug where cFosSpeed wouldn't remember the status window position (only applicable if auto-arrange is turned off).

x cFosSpeed will not boot the pinger when shaping is switched off.

x Daemon now handles WM_ENDSESSION correctly. Thanks to Sven G rtner.

x Changed HTA icon.

- Strict RTP checking is default again. Too often regular UDP packets were
erroneously detected as RTP. With strict checking RTP packets must contain a source ID, previously introduced by a corresponding RTCP packet. But some software does not use RTCP connections, like IxChariot or VoIPBuster.

- cFosSpeed will delete now its OEM*.inf and .pnf files after deinstallation.

- Support for 360safety in installer.

- Removed warn box for RAS connections in cfosspeed.dll.

- The default maximum trace.txt file size has been increased to 1 mb.

- The skins formerly named "cFosSpeed..." are now named "Aquarium..."

- Moved installation and service functions to speedsrv.dll.

- Added additional trace output for route detection.

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