Adobe Flash CS4 and ActionScript 3.0 complete course

Adobe Flash CS4 and ActionScript 3.0 complete course | 2.52GB
I present to you the most complete and detailed multimedia leadership in RuNet program Adobe Flash CS4. In this course you will find over 100 video lessons on the program Adobe Flash SC4 and Actionscript 3.0, enabling not only from the ground to learn to work in Flash, but without having to learn ActionScript programming experience.
This multimedia course provides all the necessary information and explanations available, which will begin immediately to work with Adobe Flash CS4: from creating an interactive flash animation to learning a new programming language Actionscript 3.0
There really have answers to all your questions!
In total disk space you will find 116 video lessons. Calculate the rate of three weeks of practical study. During those three weeks, you re guaranteed a newcomer turn into an experienced user Adobe Flash CS4 and learn how to write scenarios for ActionScript 3.0
Such tasks as the creation of flash banners, flash websites, flash card and prezentatsy, simple flash game be for you seed
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