Windows Phone 7 Emulator For PC
Eng | Windows Vista - 7 | 75MB
If you are eager to test the new Windows Phone 7 and can't wait until its official launch, there is now a way to do that. Microsoft have released an emulator which gives let's you try out their latest mobile OS straight from your PC.
A standard Windows Phone 7 bin-file comes with the dev kit, but it offers almost nothing except the OS environment. It's intended for developers for testing and debugging their apps.
Shortly after the tools' release however, a new unlocked OS image leaked, packing the Windows Phone 7 OS by Microsoft in its current stage of development. MS are not surprised by the leak but wanted to remind everyone that most of the platform is still in the early stages of its development and none of its parts is even close to a final stage.
Well, the curiosity is the strongest motivator so we tried it and extracted some nice screenshots. As was to be expected, the performance is far from perfect so we can hardly pass a verdict but at least we get the idea what to expect.
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