Fix for Windows 7 v4.2 developed by WST-team | 10.83 Mb
The new version of a set of patches for the operating system windows 7. The collection contains the most useful remedy, after the application of which the system works much better. In addition to accelerating the system you can fix minor errors related to charset. As can be seen on screen all the corrections clearly divided into categories, made it more convenient to use assembly. If you apply the fix that is not satisfied it can be rolled back. The effect of some changes will be visible only after a reboot.
The reaction of anti-virus to assemble due to the fact that:
- Many fixes repacked packers
- Some fixes rule or replace system files
- When you start Fix for Windows 7 checks the version of the kernel through the register.
Components assembly:
Boot Speed:
Boot Optimize - Optimize system files at boot time (default off). Runs as needed, in a few days (after optimization) is accelerated to boot.
Scandisk - Reduce the time before the disk check at startup (Scandisk) to 5 seconds. By default, 10 seconds.
Prefetch - Cache files at boot time (optimum). By default, everything is cached.
Fix for RU lang - Fixes a problem with the encoding, converts the Cancel button, Apply, and solves problems with the launch of Help.
Flip3D - Places in the context menu function Flip3D. Flip3D lets see a picture of each running application in a reduced form and switch between them.
Aero Shake - Disabling Aero Shake (feature that lets you close all inactive applications mouse movement. For its activation is sufficient to capture the title bar and a little "shake" left-right).
Hover Time speed - speed up the opening menus and windows preview applications.
Thumbnail Cache - Disable caching of images (thumbnails).
No Shortcut - Do not add \ "shortcut to ... \" when creating new labels.
Disk Space Check - Disable checking free disk space.
Auto Restart Shell - Avtoperezapusk conductor for errors.
Shell Folders - Change in Start the \ "Favorites \" to the list of programs in XP.
SmartClick - Allows you to put in the context menu any program or folder.
No Arrow - Remove arrows from shortcuts.
Logon Changer - Change the background of the login.
Theme Patcher - Allows the use of unsigned third-party theme Windows.
Watermark off - Removes the inscription in the lower right corner of the desktop.
WMP12 Changer - Allows you to change the background image of Windows Media Player 12 in the mode of the library.
Icon Streams clear - remove expired items in the system tray.
Ctfmon fix - Restore the Language bar.
Library Icon - Allows you to change icons in folders of the Library.
System speed:
Last Access - Start recording the last access to the files (default off). We need to see the last time they access the file.
Dr. Watson Disable - Disable kernel debugger Dr.Watson. Frees system resources, slightly faster system performance.
IRQ8 Priority - Increase the priority of interrupts IRQ8 (increases the speed of the system).
Large System Cache - Streamline (increase) system cache. Include only if more than 1GB Memory capacity!
Paging Executive - leave the system kernel in memory (not to throw in the swap file, the default is off). Accelerates the system reduces the number of disk accesses.
Hiber off - Turns off hibernation, thus frees hard disk up to 2 GB.
UAC off - Disable UAC (User *** Control) without having to reboot.
No Report - Do not send to Microsoft error reporting.
Up and Download - Speed Download and Upload. Accelerates the network and the Internet (especially on high-speed connections).
Disable IPv6 - Disable the protocol IPv6. It can speed up the network and the Internet.
DisableTeredo - Disable proxy Teredo. It can speed up the network and the Internet.
Network Indicator - An alternative indicator of network activity for Windows 7. Available choice of two colors: in the style of Windows XP and Windows Vista.
Termsrv.dll Patch - allow it to run two or more remote desktops.
Disable DEP - DEP is disabled for the entire system, regardless of hardware support for DEP. Can prevent departures in BSOD (Blue Screen of Death). Apply in the case of the identified problems of compatibility with the DEP (\ "flight \" of a PO, BSOD when necessary to perform an important operation).
Super Hidden - Show hidden files.
Fix for games - Allows you to install games require SP1, SP2 or SP3.
Disable Libraries - Allows you to remove from Windows Explorer, all references to the Library folder.
Aero CMD - Makes the command prompt window (CMD) \ "with glass \".
Aero PowerShell - Makes windows PowerShell \ "with glass \".
Become owner - Allows you to become the owner and ask the full access to the object.
Empty folder - Allows you to delete all the contents of the folder.
WMP x64Fix - Does WMP x64 in Windows 7 x64 player by default.
Taskbar Jumplist - Allows you to create your own dzhamplisty with any content on superbare.
Messenger Aero - Aero off titles of the windows messenger, as it was in earlier versions.
Weather Gadget Fix - Fixes an issue with the work of the Weather Gadget, if blocked access to the service provider.
Windows Calendar - Calendar from the Windows Vista, fully working in Windows 7.
W7Mount - The program for the integration of language packages in the distribution of Windows 7.
VHDMount - Allows you to connect and disconnect virtual VHD-drives.
Aero Controller - Automatic inclusion \ disable Aero interface during the transition to work from the network \ batteries.
VistaSwitcher - Once installed, the program replaces the standard Alt-Tab dialog with a convenient window that displays a list of all running processes with their names and smaller screenshots, which allows the user to quickly switch between processes, programs, bookmarks, using the mouse and keyboard. With one click you can switch the task to minimize, uncover, restore the window or close the process.
VirusTotal Uploader - Allows you to send files to VirusTotal - Free Online Virus and Malware Scan using the context menu, via the \ "Submit \".
SFC Scan - Runs the test maintain the integrity of system files and possibly correct the corrupted or modified files.
MultiBoot - A program to recover boot Windows Vista / 7 and a dual-boot configuration.
Vista7 Slic Loader-activator without hassle to activate your copy of Windows 7 and makes it real.
ActKMS v.3 - Utility to activate the corporate version of Windows 7, through the CCM server.
Time on the PC must match the CCM server time (GMT).
1) Select the Editor
2) Select the CCM server
3) Set the key (Button 1)
4) Connect to Server (button 2)
5) Enable (button 3)
6) Check the status of the activation button 4 (runs on any version of Windows).
List of changes compared to V2:
- Completely replaced with a list of servers (now they are 9)
- Added keys for all editions Server 2008R2
- Minor bugfixes
- Replacement icons
Slmgr.vbs - A set of commands to extend the trial period of Windows 7. Reset can be used only 3 times.
RunWga 2.1 - Utility allows you to find out, whether there means to verify the authenticity of WGA and OGA, and if working, what gives the result.
For WGA only result indicating the \ "true \" key - it is 0 for OGA - is 100.
All others say the contrary (the key is not released, locked, etc.)
You can also delete files data.dat, which contain the results of previous audits, it makes sense to do in case of change of key.
You can also find versions of modules installed verify that change regularly (on average every six weeks).
Super-Admin - Instructions for obtaining human super-administrator.
Audit Mode - How to update the image of Windows 7 by a regime of Audit.
VHD to ISO - How to create ISO-image files from Windows 7 VHD-file.
VirtualPC Install - Guide for installing and configuring Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode.
VirtualPC Releasenote - Release Notes for Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode.
Win7 SKU guide - Description of the release of Windows 7.
OS: Windows 7
Language: English
License: Freeware
Size: 10.83 Mb
Quote: One click file hosting
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