Nextlimit Maxwell Render v2.0.3 PLUGINS X86/X64
Nextlimit Maxwell Render v2.0.3 PLUGINS X86/X64 | 385MB
Maxwell Render? is a rendering engine based on the mathematical equations governing light transport, meaning that all elements, such as emitters, materials and cameras, are derived from physically accurate models. Maxwell Render is unbiased, so no tricks are used to calculate the lighting solution in every pixel of a scene; the result will always be a correct solution, as it would be in the real world. Maxwell Render can fully capture all light interactions between all elements in a scene, and all lighting calculations are performed using spectral information and high dynamic range data.
Due to its very nature, Maxwell Render enables users to create accurate and extremely realistic images. Maxwell Render is a recognized standard in architectural visualization, product design, jewelry, film production, scientific research and other high-end rendering markets, and the leader in render quality.
Maxwell Render is a rendering engine that accepts models and scenes created in 3D or CAD applications. Several of these applications are directly supported through a Maxwell Render plug-in; others can be used in conjunction with Maxwell Render by importing the geometry into Maxwell Studio, a component of the software.
Maxwell Render: easy to use
Maxwell Render?s approach to rendering is based on real-world units and settings. It is not necessary to learn strange new concepts and a long list of render parameters such as ?radiosity bounces?, ?photons? or ?final gathering? that are based purely on computer graphics terminology, not reality. Because of this, it is straightforward to create and render scenes, and set-up times are extremely low compared to other renderers.
Maxwell Render: a complete package
The Maxwell Render software package provides a complete solution, with a rendering engine, a material editor, an editing application, and a series of free plug-ins all in one. The application offers a range of features needed to prepare, edit and render perfect images in a comfortable and straightforward fashion, such as Multilight, Sub-surface scattering, Stacked materials and Displacement.
Maxwell Render: unrivalled realism
The technology behind Maxwell Render is physically correct and unbiased, resulting in images that are indistinguishable from photographs. Maxwell?s physically correct creations and data can help architects, designers and VFX supervisors understand what lighting inside or outside a building would look like once realized, or what a final product would look like in production.
Maxwell Render: good value
A Maxwell Render license not only gives you access to the most realistic renderer on the market, you also get free plug-ins to a wide range of popular 3D and CAD applications. You also get access to an online library of over 3500 free and ready-to-use materials, plus other resources like textures, skies, illumination pre-sets, free tutorials and community support.
Homepage: Maxwell Render :: The next generation in rendering technology capable of simulating light exactly as it behaves in the real world.
NEXT_LIMIT_MAXWELL_RENDER_V2.0.3_X64-XFORCE One click file hosting One click file hosting
NEXT_LIMIT_MAXWELL_RENDER_V2.0.3_X86-XFORCE One click file hosting One click file hosting
NEXT_LIMIT_MAXWELL_RENDER_V2.0.3_PLUGINS_X86_X64-XFORCE One click file hosting One click file hosting
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