Kaizen Software Training Manager 2010 Enterprise v1.0.1107.0 | 8.14 Mb
Track your training records,requirements and compliance with Training Manager 2010.Print personnel transcripts and status reports.Assign training to an individual,group,or job role. Require retraining based on time,version,or one time only.Schedule and manage class sessions,attendance,cancellations,and no-shows.Overall, this software is very easy to use and you can get started quickly.
Features :
Track Training status company-wide, or drill into individual training status.
Assign required training by individual, job function, or group.
Require retraining based on calendar time, course version, or one time only.
Schedule and manage class sessions and student enrollments.
Record attendance, training completion, and cancellations.
Record training credits, training hours, and assessment scores.
Print status reports to demonstrate training compliance.
Print employee transcripts.
Print employee training plans.
Save file attachments associated with the records.
Import master course and personnel data.
Export data and reports to various formats.
Send class session reminders by email using your default email client such as MS Outlook.
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