The Tiffen Dfx digital filter suite is the definitive set of digital optical filters. Up to 1000 filters, including simulations of many popular award-winning Tiffen glass filters, specialized lenses, optical lab processes, film grain, exacting color correction plus natural light and photographic effects--are now in a controlled digital environment with either 8 or 16 bits per channel processing.
Available in 3 configurations: as a powerful but user-friendly standalone application for still images, or as separate plug-ins for either still imaging or video and film post production software, Tiffen Dfx filters, expands your creative experience. Dfx provides you with everything you will need to enhance your images using a staggering amount of filter presets. Using the Dfx Standalone version, any filter can be limited to a portion of the screen using sophisticated but simple to use masking controls. A layering system to apply multiple filters as well as a batch processing system rounds out Dfxs set of tools.
Whether you are an amateur or professional photographer, a video or film editor, or graphic designer, Dfxs visual workflow and easy to use tools will help you create stunning images.
Dfx is comprised of the following filters: Ambient Light, Auto Adjust, Black and White, Black/White Looks, Black Diffusion/FX®, Black Pro-Mist®, Bleach Bypass, Blur, Bronze Glimmerglass®, Center Spot, Chromatic Aberration, Close-Up Lens, Color Compensating, Color Conversion, Color Correct, Color-Grad®, Color Infrared, Color Looks, Color Spot, Cool Pro-Mist®, Cross Processing, Day for Night, Defog, Defringe, Depth of Field, Diffusion, Dot, Double Fog, Dual Grad, Edge Glow, Enhancing, Eye Light, Faux Film, Flag, Flashing, Fluorescent, Fog, F-Stop, GamColor Gels, Gels, Glimmerglass®, Glow, Gobo, Gold Diffusion/FX®, Gold Reflector, Grain, Halo, Haze, HDTV/FX®, High Contrast, HFX® Star, Ice Halos, Infrared, Kelvin, Lens Distortion, Light, Light Balancing, Low Contrast, Mono Tint, ND-Grad, Night Vision, Nude/FX®, Old Photo, Overexpose, Ozone, Paint, Pencil, Photographic, Polarizer, Printer Points, Pro-Mist®, Rack Focus, Radial Exposure, Rainbow, ReLight, Rosco Gels, Selective Color Correct, Selective Saturation, Sepia, Sharpen, Sky, Silver Reflector, Smoque®, Soft Contrast, Soft/FX®, Soft Light, Split Field, Split Tone, Star, Streaks, Strip Grad, Sunset/Twilight, Telecine, Temperature, Three Strip, Tint, Two Strip, Ultra Contrast, Vari-Star, Vignette, 812® Warming, Warm Black Pro-Mist®, Warm Center Spot, Warm Polarizer, Warm Pro-Mist®, Warm Soft/FX®, Water Droplets, Wide Angle Lens, and X-Ray.
PLATFORM: Mac OS X 10.4 and above
FILES : 99.8mb
FIX : [K]
Software Download for Apple Mac OSX
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