CAMWorks 2010 SP0.0 Win32-Win64 for SW2009-2010 | 457MB
CAMWorks 2010 SP0.0 Win32-Win64 for SW2009-2010 | 457MB
machining capabilities seamlessly integrated into the award winning SolidWorks design software. As the first CAM solution to offer true knowledge-based machining capabilities, CAMWorks leads the way in advancements in Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR) and Interactive Feature Recognition (IFR). CAMWorks offers true associative machining automatically accommodating changes to the part model, which eliminates time consuming CAM system rework due to design updates.
Ease of Use
CAMWorks? uses the familiar SolidWorks? interface, so it is easy to learn and easy to use. The CAMWorks trees are similar to the SolidWorks FeatureManager design tree. Items in the tree can be suppressed, expanded, renamed and moved using the same procedures as SolidWorks. Online help, Installation and Quick Start Guide and tutorials can help you generate toolpaths and code quickly. The tutorials are provided electronically in Adobe PDF files.
Minimize Efforts
CAMWorks is a feature-based CAM system that provides the ability to automatically recognize many machinable features. Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR) analyzes the solid model geometry and identifies mill features such as holes, slots, pockets, and bosses; turning features such as outside diameters, faces, grooves and cutoffs; and wire EDM features such as die openings. AFR recognizes features regardless of the CAD system in which they were created.
CAMWorks defines areas to be machined as features, then applies automation and intelligence to generate toolpaths
Features that cannot be found automatically or that need to be defined for your specific machining requirements can be defined effortlessly using the Interactive Feature Recognition (IFR) wizard.
After machinable features have been defined, the user can take advantage of the machining automation in CAMWorks to generate operations. Machining operations include roughing, finishing, drilling, etc. Operations are associated to machinable features.
Automate and Control intelligently
Geometric Technologies (A division of Geometric Americas Inc.)' innovative TechDB? (Technology Database) is designed to significantly reduce the time required to generate machining strategies and processes. Using knowledge-based machining technology, the database associates tooling, operation strategies and machining parameters to the features. When operations are generated, CAMWorks applies these settings automatically. To further enhance the automation process, the knowledge-based rules in the TechTB are fully customizable to apply your company?s best practices.
While CAMWorks promotes saving time through automation, at any time in the process full interactive manual control is available at your fingertips.
Machine Simulation
CAMWorks provides a realistic simulation of the complete machine tool, enabling collision checking between the tool and the machine components. The simulation shows the path of the tool on the actual 3D model. The complete machine tool can be created including axis configurations up to 5 Axis, machine limits, etc. The image can be manipulated during simulation to provide closer representations and views from different angles.
Homepage: CAMWorks: CNC CAD/CAM Software within SolidWorks
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