TV Player Classic 6.5.4
TV Player Classic is a program for viewing online internet TV channels and recording it into AVI (Xvid, DivX, etc.) , viewing and recording streams from TV tuner and camera. Network streaming.. This software allows you to watch 400 paid online internet TV channels TOTALLY FREE (including SPORT, NEWS, ENTERTAIMENT, MOVIES, REALITY, LIFESTYLE, SHOPPING, MUSIC, KIDS, GAMES ... ) and 1200 free live television channels from 100 countries.
Main Features:
- viewing and recording of more than 1200 totally free TV streaming from Internet channels;
- viewing and recording of the TV programs from the TV channels received through the TV tuner or from the videocamera;
- broadcasting of your own channel from the TV tuner, from the videocamera or from some other Internet channel to the Internet;
- recording of all the videostreams in the AVI (Xvid, DivX etc.) format at the realtime or after the recording;
- free viewing of more than 400 international paid channels TOTALLY FREE;
- the availability of the TV Dual mode which is used to output the copy of picture to the television set or to the other monitor;
- the availability of the Embedded/Separate mode which is used to view the picture at the selected place of the monitor, provided with the possibility to adjust the size;
- viewing of the TV channels on the monitor and/or on television in the fullscreen mode;
- filtration of the Internet connection speed to choose the channels for high-grade viewing;
- total saving of all the current settings when you exit the program and restoring of them at the next start of the program;
- updating of the list of the TV channels;
- the proxy server support;
- there is NO NEED TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE (such as Windows media player, Real player etc.) to view the free channels.
The channels of the following content are broadcast: feature films, sports, educational, musical, news, weather forecasts, webcams, entertaining etc. The channels are broadcast in English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Russian and Arabic. These channels are streamed over the Internet for free and do not require any subscription. All the channels are classified as for the countries and categories. You can add selected channels to a Favorite list for faster access in the future.
Language : Multilanguage
Platform : Windows 2K/XP/2K3/Vista/7
Size : 6.4 MB
pass : mayhem
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