Window 7 Pre SP1 x86 and x64 [04.2010]VV!nd0vv$ 7 Pre SP1 x86 and x64 [03.2010] | 1.85 GB
VV!nd0vv$ 7 Pre SP1 - is a set of after-current update for the Russian (English) version of VV!nd0vv$ 7 for any revisions. All updates are collected in a convenient installer, and installed in the automatic mode, you only need to wait until the end of the installation and restart the OS.
From the assembly it was removed the undesired update KB971033 the drop activation.
Installation can take quite a long time to accelerate its time to turn off System Restore.
Update x86 - 373 MSU files
Update x64 - 419 MSU files
Program Name: VV!nd0vv$ 7 Pre Service Pack 1 (x86/x64)
Program Version: 12.03.2010
The latest version of: 12/03/2010
Address official site: KM-Software
Language: Eng / Rus
Treatment: not required
Size 1.86 GB
System requirements:
VV!nd0vv$ 7 (x86/x64)
CPU 1.5GHz, RAM 1GB, screen resolution of 1280 X 1024
VV!nd0vv$ 7 Pre Service Pack 1 x86 12.03.2010
Size : 715 MB
************************************************** *********
VV!nd0vv$ 7 Pre Service Pack 1 x64 12.03.2010
Size : 1179 MB
Use this at your own risk. It should not be tested on your work computer but a test machine.
Download the version you want x86 or x64 or both.
Run correct .exe app.
No key is required! Enjoy!
No Pass.
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