XP Pro UP2DATE Jan 23 2010 Modded
XP Pro UP2DATE Jan 23 2010 Modded | 711 MB
This is the OS I've compiled and am currently using-if you like XP but think it could use a facelift then this is for you.OK, the only components removed from the installation are the ability to upgrade (i.e. you MUST do afresh install) and the OOBE-no big deal.All screens, dialogs and icons are modified.You only have to input Localization,Language and Timezone during setup.
You are automatically logged on as Administrator, password is blank.System Restore, Security Center and Automatic Update services have been set to Manual!(Use Disk Imaging software instead of System Restore) No 3rd party Applications installed!My name does not appear on the installation anywhere!You can put it through nLite to remove other components.
This OS is based on MSDNVLK SP3 .Enjoy!
Hopefully this will make up for my last XP upload.
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