Kigosoft Frame Photo Editor 5.0.0 Portable
Kigosoft Frame Photo Editor 5.0.0 Portable | 12 MB
Photo editor to blend photos together, decorate pictures with frame, text, clips
Frame photo editor is a photo editor that would let you do the work YOUR way, but do it all for you.
With Frame Photo Editor, you can easily enhance your photo effects by blending your digital photos onto another image. The photo will be masked as special effect which you can select from a lot of masks that Frame Photo Editor provides.You can also easily add cool frame, pretty flowers and cartoon clips onto your pictures.
And you can insert text into pictures with speech frame. It makes your photo more interesting and attractive. You can easily change the size and position of the photos, flowers, cartoon pictures or text just by clicking and dragging them. You can even rotate the mask or the photo just with your mouse moving. After having edited pictures with Frame Photo Editor, you can print them, email them, or set as your Desktop Wallpaper.
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