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الموضوع: Unlocking Nokia,LG,Samsung,Motorola & All Mobile..

  1. #1
    عضو شرف
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي Unlocking Nokia,LG,Samsung,Motorola & All Mobile..

    Unlocking Nokia,LG,Samsung,Motorola & All Mobile..

    World Unlock Code Calculator v4.4


    A utility for unlocking Nokia, Siemens, Vitel, Maxel, Panasonic, LG, AEG,Samsung, and Motorola mobile phones

    WorldUnlock Codes Calculator is a free utility for Nokia, Siemens, Vitel, Maxel, Panasonic, LG, AEG, Samsung, and Motorola unlock.

    Includes MasterCode calculator that can reset your Nokia security code if you have lost it.

    Easy guide to free Nokia unlocking:

    (Please read the whole guide before starting)

    Select phone model from list.
    ??? 2. Enter IMEI number of your phone (Press *#06# on phone)
    ??? Select country and service provider where the phone was bought.
    ??? Hit the button: Calculate!
    ??? The software generate some Nokia unlock codes.
    ??? If 7 codes are displayed, use the code ending with 7 first.
    ??? If it does not work, then try 1, and finaly 5.
    ??? When phone displays "Sim restriction off" it is unlocked.
    ??? If only two codes are displayed ( 1 and 2) enter both of them!

    Codes will be shown on the form: #pw CODE n#
    To get p, w or , pres the * button several times.

    You enter the codes correctly by removing any simcard from the phone, turning the phone on and then enter the code.

    Here are some key features of "WorldUnlock Codes Calculator":

    ??? Unlock Nokia
    ??? Unlock LG
    ??? Unlock Panasonic
    ??? Unlock Maxon
    ??? Unlock Samsung
    ??? Unlock AEG/Telital
    ??? Unlock Alcatel
    ??? Unlock Siemens
    ??? Unlock Sony
    ??? Unlock Vitel



  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى


    There are many Methods available for Unlocking the mobile Phone,the best method In My suggestion,My Experience is "Unlock Code";You can Unlock the mobile Phone using the Unlock code,In here Online GSM Unlock.com - Supported Phones you can buy the Unlock code at low cost and unlock the mobile....In world Unlock Code Calculator and other Unlock Software leads to Data lose.But Unlock code is Safe 100%...Also You can get the refund of money if unlock code does not works..

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