1Password 3.1.0 (build 30621) | Mac OS X | 15.2 MB
1Password is a password manager that uniquely brings you both security and convenience. It is the only program that provides anti-phishing protection and goes beyond password management by adding web form filling and automatic strong password generation. All your confidential information, including passwords, identities, and credit cards, is kept secure in one secure place using a highly encrypted keychain.
1Password fully supports most web browsers, including Safari, Camino, OmniWeb, DEVONagent, Firefox, Flock, Fluid, and NetNewsWire. All browser extensions share the data stored in the keychain which means you never need to manually copy your passwords between browsers or from the password manager to a browser ever again!
1Password has received numerous awards, including 4.5 mice from Macworld magazine, MacLife Editors pick, and was the Pick of Week on MacBreak Weekly by both Leo Laporte and Merlin Mann.
1Password also has a companion iPhone/iPod touch application available in iTunes App Store.
Changes for version 3.0.9 (build #30621)
NEW Added support for syncing with 1Password for iPad.
CHANGED Reduced attachment icon file size.
CHANGED No longer listing Smart Folders in sync windows.
CHANGED Updated German and Russian translations.
CHANGED Changed "Code" to "Key" in license window to match verbiage in web site and emails.
CHANGED Improved Diagnostics Report to make sure important files and folders have the correct permissions.
CHANGED Removed several log statements from the Console; moved them to the 1Password log files.
CHANGED Now logging the contents of Firefox crashes from both pending and submitted folders.
CHANGED Renamed UNIX Server to Server
CHANGED Sync group now automatically updates when adding a new bookmarklet sync item.
CHANGED Changed Safari extension and Diagnostics Report to respect case sensitive file systems.
CHANGED Added label to indicate that editing autosave domain list requires autosave to be enabled.
FIXED Fixed problem where Wi-Fi detail view was not refreshed correctly.
FIXED Fixed crash that could happen after importing Mac Heist file with corrupted data.
FIXED Fixed importing Mac Heist files when it contains newlines like \n\r and \r\n.
FIXED Attempt to work around problem when importing UTF-16 1Password Interchange Format files.
FIXED Fixed issue where copying Membership numbers would not copy the entire value.
FIXED Ensuring software license version number cannot be edited when not in edit mode.
FIXED Making sure sync group always loads above trash in source list.
System requirements:
Mac Platform: UB
OS version: 10.5.8 and 10.6
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