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الموضوع: MOBILedit! Forensic Rus

  1. #1
    عضو شرف
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي MOBILedit! Forensic Rus

    MOBILedit! Forensic Rus | 52 mb

    Mobile phones contain some of the most important evidence in criminal investigations. Law enforcement agencies around the world need every possible advantage to help solve crimes. In many instances, mobile phones contain the important incriminating evidence that legal investigators require to solve a case. MOBILedit! Forensic has changed the way this evidence is obtained and presented. It provides reports with tamper-proof and indisputable evidence in a court of law.

    This report details out every piece of information in the phone such as call history, list of contacts, messages, photos, voice recordings, video, files, calendar, tasks, notes etc. MOBILedit! Forensic is a must-have for any forensic agent looking for that extra edge. With just a single click, MOBILedit! Forensic collects all possible data from the mobile phone and generates an extensive report onto a PC that can be stored or printed. MOBILedit! Forensic is the most universal cellular phone solution with architecture able to support virtually all phones. MOBILedit! Forensic allows you to customize the output making it completely adaptable to the needs of your judicial system. MOBILedit! Forensic also has frequent updates and upgrades so that you can be sure you are using the absolute latest in technology.

    * Analyze phones via Bluetooth, IrDA or cable connection
    * Analyze phonebook, last dialed numbers, missed calls, received calls, SMS messages, multimedia messages, photos, files, phone details, calendar, notes, tasks and more
    * Large quantity of phones supported
    * Frequent updates and upgrades with new features and more phones
    * Direct SIM analyzer through SIM readers
    * Reads deleted messages from the SIM card
    * Reports Generator based on your templates
    * Print reports ready for courtroom
    * Reports generated in any language
    * Make backup now and reports when needed
    * Manual investigation mode
    * Secure and tamper-proof using MD5 hash
    * Compliant with Word or any other RTF editor
    * View formatted reports in browser including original pictures
    * Exports to Word, Excel/XLS, browser, XML/XSL
    * Complete solution including specific phone cables and SIM readers
    * XML export - seamlessly connect MOBILedit! Forensic data with other systems
    * Preferred/forbidden networks
    * Hex dump viewer
    * Free access to forensic forum

    New features and bug fixes
    • Read-only support for Google Android (through the application "ME Reports")
    • Improved compatibility for Windows Vista
    • Changes to UI to increase user comfort
    • Increased overall stability

    New phones
    - Evolve GX660
    - Google Android
    - LG KP260
    - Nokia 7100 Supernova
    - Nokia 7210 Supernova
    - Nokia N79
    - Motorola C390
    - Samsung GT-C5510
    - Samsung GT-C6620
    - Samsung GT-C6625
    - Samsung GT-M2510
    - Samsung GT-M8910
    - Samsung M7600
    - Samsung S8000
    - Sony Ericsson G700
    - Sony Ericsson W995i

    Home Page - MOBILedit! Home



  2. #2
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى


    Nice Software..I am using the Nokia 6600 model mobile,I unlocked the mobile using the Unlock code,in here Unlocking4Free.com - Unlock Nokia mobile phones i got the Unlock code at free of cost and unlocked it.Now can i know this software will useful for My Nokia 6600 Unlocked mobile...

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