Product Description:
iStat menus monitors your entire system right from your menubar, with 8 separate and highly configurable menu extras. You'll always know exactly what's going on inside your Mac. You'll be able to view your CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage and activity, network monitors, the internal temperature of your Mac, fan speeds, bluetooth status, and more. All from the Apple Menubar.
What's new in this version:
Added support for sensor monitoring on 2010 MacBook Pros and Mac Minis.
Added an optional moon phase icon to the Date & Time extra.
Added an optional transparent calendar icon to the Date & Time extra.
Added an option to hide UPSs from the menubar.
Improved stability.
Improved city searching.
Fixed bug with fan speeds being reset to default after sleep.
Fixed bug with UPSs not showing as charged.
Fixed localizations with fuzzy clock.
Fixed some installer bugs.
Mono battery icons now show in white when selected.
Operating System Requirements:
This product is designed to run on the following operating systems:
Mac OS X 10.5 Intel
Mac OS X 10.5 PPC
Additional Requirements:
Mac OS 10.4 - 10.6
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