POD Farm 2.0
New features include:
* Route up to 20 FX models in any order, and use them simultaneously. Including post-cabinet mic preamps.
* Use a MIDI controller, like an FBV Shortboard? MkII, to get complete control of POD Farm 2.
* Load single amp and effect models and conserve CPU power via POD Farm Elements.
* A slick chromatic tuner interface is always at the ready.
?The new plug-ins offer extensive updates and functionality that recording guitarists have been asking for,? says Linee 6 POD Manager Mike Murphy. ?Enhanced routing with flexible DSP, POD Farm Elements, and full MIDI support.?
MIDI support offers complete control over POD Farm 2 and POD Farm 2 Platinum via any MIDI controller. Intuitive MIDI Learn functionality makes it easy to configure remote control of all amp and effect parameters including model bypass, volume, mute, global tap tempo and more, including tone switching with the new virtual A/B/Y box.
POD Farm 2 and POD Farm 2 Platinum are Mac and Windows compatible. Both plug-ins are available for use with either an iLok USB Smart Key or Line 6 hardware.
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