Efofex FX Draw v3.202.5

Windows Sofware | Efofex FX Draw v3.202.5 | RAR | 13.6MB

FX Draw draws any diagram a secondary mathematics teacher (or student) might need and lets you place publication quality graphics into documents, web pages and presentations quickly and easily.
You can also use FX Draw with interactive whiteboards and data projectors to produce an interactive and intuitive teaching environment.

What can FX Draw Do?

Function Graphs
* Cartesian
* Polar Graphs
* Parametric
* Conic Sections
* Implicitly Defined Functions
* Shaded Integrals
* Inequalities
* Normal Distribution Curves
* Number Lines
* Derivative Curves
* Tangent Lines
* Implicitly Defined Inequations
* Points
* Vectors

Geometric Diagrams
* Parallel Line Theorems
* Circle Geometry
* Pythagoras
* Geometric Constructions
* Regular Polygons
* Angle Marks

Statistical Graphs
* Box & Whisker Plots
* Dot Frequency Diagrams
* Histograms
* Back-to-back Histograms
* Scattergraphs
* Line Graphs & MPA
* Bar Graphs
* Column Graphs
* Cumulative Frequency Plots
* Frequency Polygons
* Residuals Graph
* Stem & Leaf Graph
* Triangular Graph
* Random Number Generators
* Time Series Data Generator
* Bivariate Data Generator

Interactive Whiteboard
* On Screen Keyboard 1
* On Screen Keyboard 2
* On Screen Keyboard 3
* Freehand Comments
* Make FX Draw Transparent

Miscellaneous Graphics
* Protractors
* Rulers
* Equations
* Grid and Dot Papers
* Two Circle Venn Diagrams
* Three Circle Venn Diagrams
* Tree Diagrams
* Unit Circle
* Network Diagrams
* Nature and Mathematics
* Isometric Drawings
* Freehand Drawings

Pre Drawn Diagrams
* Dominoes
* Pentominos
* Hexominos
* Menger's Sponge
* Sierpinski's Triangle
* Optical Illusions
* Solids
* Platonic Solids
* Pulleys
* Tessellations
* Snowflake Curve
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