Portable Technical supervision (4.2010)

Technical supervision (4.2010) | 615Mb

Stroyform: Technical supervision - the program technical supervision of construction, facilities, organizations, SROs.

- Preparation of acts of verification requirements, definitions, letters, etc.: "2 minutes and the output ready document Word". All document templates you can change yourself!
- Monitoring of prescriptions, certificates and other documents automatic reminder about the occurrence of target dates, which allows fully automated monitoring and control for organizations and facilities for technical supervision and self-regulatory organizations;
- Base of regulations violations and contains more than 8000 pattern of violations of the requirements of the building, fire, environmental and technical supervision. At the core base of violations and regulations focused experience in state oversight of subjects of federation and RTN;
- Formation of audit programs and work plan for any period of operational test execution;
- Operative date tracking orders, regulations and other documents of technical supervision, SROs, fire control, environmental monitoring, etc. on the records with a color display;
- Generator create and configure a reminder to all events, including the expiration date requirements, certificates, work planned for the management of technical supervision and oversight of self-regulatory organizations;
- Reporting of the work done for any period. Contains records of construction supervision, technical supervision, SRO. But the most important built-friendly generator intelligence reporting;
- Vstronny module documentation and dkloproizvodstva imposition of resolutions and orders with the operational control of their execution. Saving files of any format. Archiving of documents;
- Evaluation kontrliruemyh organizations and facilities on the composition and number of violations, accidents;
- There is a configuration module automatically assign numbering documents, objects, organizations;
- Multi-level configuration of user access rights to information. Supports setting the visibility and accessibility of documents for each employee and / or department, branch ...;
- The log is automatically measuring and controlling all changes to the database with easy searching musician;
- Easy and rapid exchange of information between remote databases;
- Support for various types of databases local, network and Internet modes. Built-in data transfer between different databases;

Year: 2010
Developer: OOO "IHTOS"
Platform: x32, x64, Vista
System requirements:
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows 7
Supported office products: Microsoft Office 2007 / 2003 / XP / 2000
Internet Explorer version 5.01 or higher.
Minimum RAM: 256 MB.
Minimum disk space: 350 MB.
Tabletka: Present
Size: 615 MB

1. Install Stroyform
2. Install Update
3. After successful installation, start to treat it in the folder CRACK copy (with the replacement of files) License.sfo in the directory c: \ Program Files \ IHTOS \ Stroyform_UnitInspection \
That's all Stroyform latest version, perfectly working.
