Windows 7 Gamer Edition x64 for GAMERS

Windows 7 Gamer Edition x64
ISO | DVD | English | 64bit | Bootable | 2.59 GB

Windows 7 modified for gamers on this new platform (64 bits). The system is optimized to support today's games, plus he removed a number of processes without unnecessary if it comes to games.

Just download unzip and burn the ISO to a DVD5, reboot the system since, to install on a clean partition.

The requirements needed at the foot of this post, keep in mind that it is for current games, where 2GB of RAM and a dual nuclear normal.

Overview of the Features and Updates of Windows 7 Gamer Edition:

* Specially Modded DirectX 11 for Extreme Gaming
* Reduced Gaming crashes
* New High quality icons
* Resolved a Windows 7 Media Center issues
* Supports all future updates and packages
* Resolved some reliability compatibility issues in Windows 7
* More Stable and Reliable
* UAC Disabled
* Show extensions for known file types
* Added User Account 2 on Control Panel
* Low Memory consumption
* Windows will tell you exactly what it is doing when it is shutting down or is booting
* Added command prompt to right click context menu
* Enabled addition Avalon effects
* Disabled Tool Tips
* Enabled Clear Type Tuning
* Added 'Copy to Folder' , 'Move to Folder' , 'Open with Notepad' to right click context
* Disabled Windows Media Player Auto Updates
* Faster browsing with IE
* DEP execution is set to Default
* Disabled the NTFS Last Access Time Stamp
* Enabled slow-motion window effects
* Added "Advanced System Properties" in my Computer
* Added Control Panel to my Computer
* Disabled kernel paging
* Winrar for extraction purpose.
* Added Group policy and Registry editor to control panel
* Turned off system beeps
* Take Ownership, Device manager, Group policy, Registry Editor in the right click
* Patched uxtheme files to use 3rd party themes.
* Faster Shutdown ( 3 seconds services kill timeout.)
* Fast Booting Time
* Disabled automatic restart in the event of a blue screen
* Tweaked up shell response
* Hibernation is Disabled.
* Added "Advanced System Properties" in my Computer
* Added Control Panel to my Computer
* Added Administrative Tools to my Computer
* Added Network Connections to my Computer
* Added Search to my Computer
* Added Printers to my Computer
* Added Run and Windows Flip Switcher to my Computer
* Removed warning about showing hidden system folders
* Maximum simultaneous downloads for IE to 20 ( default is 2 )
* New Explorer View
* Allow renaming and removing of Recycle Bin
* Makes a right click option for unknown files
* Notepad saves window position
* Enabled Word wrap in Notepad
* Enabled Status Bar in all windows
* NVIDIA Drivers Added
* ATI Drivers Added
* New Themes
* 255 Sidebar Gadgets
* Enabled search system folders in Search
* System Files are boosted up to maximum Performance
* Faster Application load Time

* Disabled the NTFS Last Access Time Stamp
* Windows Update service disabled
* No critical components removed
Automatically Installed 3rd Party Software

*Winrar for extraction needs.

Optional 3rd Party Software


*CCCP codec pack
*Cole 2k Advanced codec pack
*Vlc Media Player HD 1.0.3


*Game Booster v.1.3 (Windows 7 Support)


*Messenger Live
*Daemon Tools Lite v 4.35.5
*7-zip (x64 December 2009 Release)

Web Browsers

*Mozilla FireFox v 3.5.6

Minimum System Requirements For 64Bit:
2GB RAM (Recommended 3GB RAM or more)
20 GB of HDD space ( Recommended 40 GB )
128 MB Graphics Memory (Capable to run Aero)
17? inch Monitor (1024 x 768)
Pixel Shader 2.0
Dual Core Processors with 64 Bit OS Capable
Active Internet Connection (For Activation and Updates)
No pass.