Womble MPEG Video Wizard DVD
Womble MPEG Video Wizard DVD 5.0 is the latest MPEG editor with DVD authoring and full AC-3 encoder support, and it includes all the features and functionality of its predecessors --- the MPEG Video Wizard and MPEG-VCR. Whether you are a video professional or a new video enthusiast, we are confident that MVW-DVD will meet all of your needs of MPEG editing and DVD authoring.
Smart rendering
Smart Rendering makes the editing process faster and easier by only re-encoding the edited points. Unlike other video editing software that tends to re-encode the entire video at the slightest touch, MVW-DVD only re-encodes when needed, which leads to fast export speed and maximum quality preservation.
Fast HD MPEG editing with frame accuracy
Fast scrubbing and frame accurate MPEG-2 HD editing allows you to move quickly from one point in the video to another. You can also step through the video frame by frame to perform precise edits.
DVD Author
Professional-looking menu with a few clicks
With a few mouse clicks, you can create a professional-looking DVD motion video menu and burn it to a disc ready for playback on a standard DVD player.
Minimal video re-encoding
With our smart rendering technology, you can quickly convert MPEG video files into a DVD movie with minimal video re-encoding, affording fast export speed and maximum quality preservation.
Multiple video titling
Our multiple video title support allows you to create DVD discs that can hold both NTSC and PAL movies without video re-encoding.
Convert your movies for your iPod and PSP
You can rip your DVD library or TV shows into MP4 format for your portable video player, including iPod and PSP.
Convert your movies to MP4 and H.264
You can rip your DVD library or TV shows to MP4 file format. You can select XVid format or H.264 format for video and MPEG-4 AAC for audio.
First aid tools
Womble MPEG editor has an extensive box of first aid tools for manipulating the mechanics of MPEG files.
Tools list
The list of Tools includes MBS Scanner for editing VRO and REC files from your DVD recorder, DVD Reader for directly importing DVD movies, MPEG multiplexer, de-multiplexer, format converter, GOP fixer, DVD Burner, AVI Exporter, MP4 Exporter, and more.
DVD Reader
This tool lets you open a DVD file folder and select a video title for editing. You may also use it to select and extract any video title or chapters to a new MPEG file.
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