USB Boot 1.45 PortApp | 87 MB


Use \'DISK Management\' program to \'Change drive letter\' and use the \'add\' button to add it. Or use Disk Director from Windows can also do the job!!!

(after the USB disk is created)

USBBoot is a USB memory drive image of a bootable system disk that contains True Image/Disk Director partition, DOS partition with the ability to read/write NTFS plus all DOS programs from WIN98 original, unerase program, File manager plus others and DATA partition for use in Windows with some utilities.

This is a ACRONIS True Image file that contains a bootable partition selector on boot record called OSL that can boot to any drive/partition.

To install, use your True Image from windows (if the True Image from DOS can see your USB drive that you wish to write to then you can use it too) and when presented the choice of 4 partitions to select from the image (Select the items to restore), select them all including the MBR on track 0.

All 3 partitions are saved in the image with no extra free space. This alowes for even a 126 mg flash drive to be able to use the features. Since only partition 1 will be used in Windows, once the USBBOOT is installed, you can resize this partition using the Disk Director. Simply use the Safe Version of Disk Director, move the DOS partition 3 (USBBt) to the end of your free space on the drive, follow by moving the Disk Director & True Image partition 2(USBBt DD&TI) to the end of the free space on the drive and finally resize your NTFS Data partition 1 (USBBt Data) to fill the remaining free space on the drive.

Do not resize the other two partitions.

USBBoot 1.45

1. Removed Vivard.exe from DOS partition. Potential hazard on some systems.
2. Removed programs that are either duplicate function programs or not needed.
3. Housecleaning.
4. File manager menu
USBBoot 1.4
1. Added FlashBoot program to the Data partition that allows to create a Floppy (it is referred as SuperFloppy in the FlashBoot program) emulating USB drive that will boot as A drive in a System that has no Floppy drive or B drive on a system that has a floppy drive. (only one partition is available on such drive so I could not put this on the USBBoot drive)

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