Webroot Spy Sweeper 2010
* Now Windows?7 compatible
* Award-winning technology, trusted by millions
* Continuous monitoring keeps you protected
* Most comprehensive antispyware solution available - 360 degrees of protection
* Continuous monitoring stops spyware before it can attack
* Advanced detection and removal capabilities for stubborn spyware
* Automatic defense updates keep you protected from the latest threats
* FREE customer support
Advanced Detection and Removal
Webroot Spy Sweeper's advanced detection and removal capabilities are effective at fully removing even the most malicious spyware programs in a single sweep. You won't have to scan and restart your PC a number of times with Spy Sweeper - one sweep and your PC is clean.
Real-Time Threat Protection
This new version of Spy Sweeper advances the industry-standard in spyware blocking, stopping threats like Trojan-Downloader-LowZones and SpySheriff from ever installing in the first place.
Enhanced Rootkit Discovery Methods
Malicious spyware uses rootkit technology to bury its files deep within your PC. Webroot Spy Sweeper finds and destroys these programs with robust rootkit discovery methods, a feature many other antispyware programs lack.
Always the Most Current Protection
Outdated security is one of the biggest vulnerabilities home PC users face. Webroots VersionGuard?ensures your protection is always current by automatically installing free updates to Webroot Spy Sweeper as soon as they are released.
Easy to Use
Webroot Spy Sweeper installs quickly and easily. With a streamlined security console and customizable options, Webroot Spy Sweeper makes scanning for spyware a breeze.
Minimal Impact on Computer Performance
Your security is optimized for speed and efficiency, but not at the expense of protection. Scanning can be initiated in the background or after hours to minimize any impact to desktop performance.
Accurate Risk Assessment
Spy Sweeper gives you a quick overview of each threat, what it does, and its potential danger. It's just another way that we help you make educated decisions to keep or remove unwanted programs.
Uninterrupted Games and Movies
Our convenient Gamer Mode ensures you are not interrupted while playing online games or watching movies.
Minimum System Requirements
* Windows XP 32 bit SP1, SP2, SP3
* Windows Vista?32 bit (all Editions)
* Windows Vista SP1 32 and 64 bit (all Editions)
* Windows 7 32 and 64 bit (all Editions)
* 300MHz processor (minimum), 1GHz (recommended on Vista)
* 256 RAM (minimum), 2GB (recommended on Vista)
* 100 MB Hard Disk Space
* Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher, Firefox 2.0 and higher
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