Programs that grab videos from Web sites such as YouTube aren't a dime a dozen--they're a dime for 200 dozen. Most of them aren't that good, either, which makes Ashampoo's freeware ClipFinder such a breath of fresh air in the video-grabbing game.

ClipFinder sports an atypical interface that's simple to navigate. The main window holds a series of long filmstrips. Each of the 14 strips represents a video site, which are searchable either individually or globally. Unfortunately, you can't add new portals, but the ones available include all the major video sites: YouTube, Yahoo, iFilm, and Veoh. Results appear as frames in the strip. Horizontal navigation scrolls through videos, but if you only want to look at YouTube, for example, you can clear the others and look at only the relevant YouTube videos. Mouse over a frame to load it in miniature window. Double-clicking loads it in a child window. The child window has standard control buttons as well as Download, Add, and Copy URL, but there's no easy way to watch in full screen mode. All three worked flawlessly. Clicking Add puts the video in your My Videos panel, for keeping favorites organized, and adding Flash videos from their hard drives.
