GetFLV Pro v8.9.0.2 | 8.38 Mb
GetFLV is a totally integrated suite of powerful utilities to download, manage, convert, repair and play FLV video files (Flash video). FLV Downloader: A powerful tool to download FLV from all video sharing sites with the technologies of automatic URL-parsing. FLV to Video Converter: Convert FLV files to popular video formats. It lets you convert FLV to AVI, MPEG, MP4, 3GP, MOV, WMV and etc. FLV Audio Ripper: Extract FLV Audio to popular audio format. It lets you convert FLV to MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC and etc. Video to FLV Converter: A professional conversion tool to convert video to FLV.
It supports almost all types of video formats such as MPEG, AVI, WMV, MOV, ASF, MP4, 3GP and etc. FLV Fixer: Repair the FLV video files that can't be seeked. More FLV utilities will be added.
GetFLV 2009
- Download and manage FLV video files
- Convert FLV files to popular video formats
- Extract FLV Audio to popular audio formats
- Convert popular video to FLV
- Repair FLV video that can't be seeked
- More FLV utilities will be added in future
- The complete FLV utility package.
Full service for your FLV video files
- GetFLV is a totally integrated suite of powerful utilities to download, manage, convert, repair and play FLV video files (Flash video).
- FLV Downloader: A powerful tool to download FLV from all video sharing sites with the technologies of automatic URL-parsing.
- FLV to Video Converter: Convert FLV files to popular video formats. It lets you convert FLV to AVI, MPEG, MP4, 3GP, MOV, WMV and etc.
- FLV Audio Ripper: Extract FLV Audio to popular audio format. It lets you convert FLV to MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC and etc.
- Video to FLV Converter: A professional conversion tool to convert video to FLV. It supports almost all types of video formats such as MPEG, AVI, WMV, MOV, ASF, MP4, 3GP and etc.
- FLV Fixer: Repair the FLV video files that can't be seeked.
- More FLV utilities will be added.
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Best Regard !
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