O&O Software UnErase 6.0
O&O UnErase 6 rescues files and folders which have been deleted from the hard disk accidentally, even if they can?t be found in the Windows Recycle Bin. Simply start the search, select the files found and then restore them ? and you?re done! It is now also possible to set advanced settings to limit the search to certain file types, names or file sizes.
? Restoration on network drives (Shares and UNC)
? Enhanced search algorithm for texts within files, non-Ansi texts can also be recognized.
? Compatible with Windows ? 7 and Windows? Server 2008 R2
? Restoration of files and folders which have already been deleted
? Supports all data volumes recognized by Windows (USB Stick, memory cards, digital cameras etc.)
? Supports all Windows recognized file systems (except exfat)
? Enhanced options for more detailed search of deleted files
? User interface in the Windows Explorer style
? No limit to the number of files that can be restored
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