Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3 Includes Additional Tools (2010) | 1 GB
Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3 - Professional program for working with digital photos. It includes modules for capturing, creating and editing images, as well as a rich set of various models and filters for image enhancement and creation of graphic special effects. A distinctive feature is the presence fotobrauzera program for organizing your photos, in which there are advanced search options on the various parameters of the images.
Year: 2010
Version: X3
Developer: Corel Corporation
The Platform: x86
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Language: Russian, English, German, Spanish, Japanese, Dutch, French, Italian, Polish, Chinese, Finnish, Swedish
Tabletka: Present
System requirements:
* OS: Microsoft ® Windows ® 7, Windows Vista ® or Windows ® XP with latest service packs installed (32-bit or 64-bit editions)
* CPU: 1.5 GHz processor (2 GHz or higher recommended)
* RAM: 1 GB (2 GB or higher recommended)
* HDD: 3 GB of free hard drive space
* VIDEO: Minimum display resolution: 1024 x 768 (24-bit color)
The program structure also includes a set of tools and effects:
* Depth of field "(to give a natural depth of field photos after the shooting);
* "Changing Colors" (enables one color replace another)
* "Time Machine" (would "wear out" photo)
* Tool Smooth Skin "
* Effects "film and filters, and many others.
* Creating HDR-image.
* New tools Thinify for rapid "weight loss" and Eye Drop for removing red-eye. "
* New styles of layers, including the rejection of the shadows, embossing, outer and inner glow, relief and reflection.
* Tools to add a watermark.
* Function Save for Office, allows you to quickly save images in a format and resolution that is best suited for the current project.
Useful features:
* Automatically download images from the camera.
* Instantly fix common problems such as red eye, color and sharpness.
* Total few mouse clicks you can add special effects to photos, text and projects.
* For precise image adjustments to suit personal preferences available advanced editing tools.
* Print, e-mail and display images on the Internet.
Best Regard !
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