Another updated app by AGAiN group Softmaker Office 2010, available for Windows & Linux.
Description: Choose SoftMaker Office 2010 as your office suite, and you will get the job done in less time and with better results. SoftMaker Office reads and writes Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files seamlessly and costs only a fraction of Microsoft Office. SoftMaker Office starts lightning fast, works lightning fast and calculates lightning fast. While the competition still tallies up the figures, your document is already done! You can also install SoftMaker Office 2010 on a USB stick. But SoftMaker Office is not only fast: it also has minimal hardware requirements. SoftMaker Office cuts a fine figure even on netbooks. That way, you always have your office suite with you, ready for use.
* Powerful: Sophisticated office software for business and home users alike.
* Compatible: Reads and writes all Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files seamlessly.
* Fast: Starts and works blazingly fast. Slow is out.
* Reliable: Does what you want. No nasty surprises.
Release Names:
Softmaker.Office.v2010.576.Multilingual.Incl.Keyma ker-AGAiN
Softmaker.Office.v2010.582.Multilingual.Linux.Incl .Keymaker-AGAiN
Softmaker.Office.x64.v2010.582.Multilingual.Linux. Incl.Keymaker-AGAiN
Size: 138.50 MB
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