Zplane PPMulator Standalone VST 2.11.2 | 11 MB
PPMulator is a cross-platform plug-in meter for digital audio workstations which exactly mimics the look and feel of a professional broadcast Peak Programme Meter (PPM). This version adds features such as surround (5.1) capability, user-configurable colours and layouts, a fully-featured phase-correlation meter, surround peak-logging, RTAS-compatibility and several other features. By adding this plugin to the master output of your audio editing program, you can record, edit, mix and export your audio within a precisely-calibrated workspace - something which is often impossible to do when working in a non-studio environment.
Supported metering standards:
IEC 268-10 Type I : Nordic N9
IEC 268-10 Type I / DIN 45406
IEC 268-10 Type IIa : BBC scale
IEC 268-10 Type IIb : EBU scale
* VST plug-in for Windows/OSX, 100% compatible with Pro Tools, Nuendo, Tracktion, Logic & other hosts
* Mono/Stereo/Mid-Side/Surround (5.1) metering options, with overload leds
* Configurable as a Type I/Type II PPM
* Unique Peak Logging feature
* user-configurable meter layouts and channel labelling
* Mono gain trim to M3 (-3dB) or M6 (-6dB) standards
* Assignable phase-correlation meter, to check mono compatibility
* Fully-resizable single, dual or multi-meter display, from massive to weeny
* Built-in reference tone generator for meter alignment and calibration
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