Abvent Artlantis Studio Multilanguage
Abvent Artlantis Studio Multilanguage | 357 MB
Artlantis is recognized as the fastest, most powerful solution for photo-realistic 3D rendering and animation. Now, Artlantis 3 is strengthening its lead with an even more accurate radiosity engine, new management of geometry by layers, better management and enrichment of media, and simplified control of optimized lighting. In addition to its many import plug-ins, which are now compatible with the Autodesk 2010 product line, Artlantis 3 now benefits from a new technology for export plug-ins. This new feature which is available in the OBJ, FBX, U3D, DWF, and SKP formats, integrates Artlantis into the complete design process.
Artlantis is recognized as the fastest, most powerful solution for photo-realistic 3D rendering and animation. Now, Artlantis 3 is strengthening its lead with an even more accurate radiosity engine, new management of geometry by layers, better management and enrichment of media, and simplified control of optimized lighting.
Editable Anchor Points
The anchor point allows you to place and rotate an object or component in the 3D scene. Grab this point in the 2D view by pressing the ?D? key, and simply drag it to the desired location.
Media Search Function
When opening a file, Artlantis 3 allows you to search for and replace any missing media components on your hard drive, as well as delete them.
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