Illustrate.dBpoweramp.Music.Converter.Reference.v1 3.4-ArCADE
Illustrate dBpowerAMP Music Converter R13.4 Reference EditiondBpoweramp Music Converter%uFFFDis 'the standard' tool for audio conversions, with over 20 million users:
%uFFFDHuge range of audio codecs supported: mp3, mp4, m4a (AAC, iTunes & iPod), Windows Media Audio (wma), Ogg Vorbis and FLAC
%uFFFDPreservation of ID Tags and Album Artwork, correct mapping of ID Tags between tag types (where possible),
%uFFFDMulti-CPU encoding support,
%uFFFDEasy folder & drive selection with Batch Converter,
%uFFFDDSP effect support (ReplayGain, Volume Normalize, including DirectX and VST effects),
%uFFFDPro-orientated codecs: BWF Wave, Dalet, mp2
%uFFFDWindows Explorer integration: audio info tips & columns
It is safe to say, no other audio program converts more multi-format audio files than dBpoweramp, we have spent 8 years perfecting format-compatibility and conversion stability.
CD Ripper
Compilation tag (also used in naming) taken from compilation check, not by checking for differing artists
When create a new profile offers to use the current one as template
Compilation, conductor & style tags created by default
All meta data items are shown in meta section, excluded (for id tags) are shown in light gray
All meta data items list shows [x] instead of [Remove]
If the option to disable autoplay is enabled, then every second the status of the CD drive is polled, to autorefresh when CD is inserted, auto press eject button when CD draw is open, also stops windows autoplaying the CD when closing CD ripper
Pressing the eject button when the draw is open, closes it
Auto eject CD should function more reliably
Win98 the convert window cli from CD ripper, or music converter was not closing after rip, plus was shown
Edit id tag (from right click >> edit tag) no longer locks explorer window whilst editing
Edit id tag displays common id elements blank if a track has no tags
Edit id tag - remembers the last position of the window if window is large enough (starting from last time only), the elements have extra room to show
Naming added [length_mmss], [length_hhmmss], [composer] & [conductor]
Reference: Pro Frequency Conversion enabled by default
All programs: if running in debug mode, the debugging information will show even if program crashes
Music Converter: No longer creates ARTIST id tags for naming if one does not exist (TITLE is created from filename if does not exist)
Audio Properties page: Visually more smarter
Wave decoder - if a wave file is PCM then does not use the fact chunk (could be wrong)
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