Big Fish Audio Prosonus The Orchestral Collection VSTi RTAS MAS AU HYBRiD DVDR DYNAMiCS | 588.49 MB
From percussion to strings, brass to woodwinds- it's all here. You will find string orchestra sustained, marcato, pizz and FX; section and solo violin, viola, cello and bass; trumpet, piccolo trumpet,flugelhorn, french horn, trombone, bass trombone, tuba and tuba FX;brass ensemble and brass orchestra; flute, alto flute, piccolo,clarinet, oboe, oboe d'amore, English horn, bassoon, and contrabassoon; harp single notes and glissandi; timpani, tubular bells, triangle, cymbals, cymbal FX, gong, snare, snare rolls, and more!
Supported Hosts:
* VST 2.0 a.k.a VSTi or VST instrument (Logic Audio 5.5 & up [Logic 4 is not recommended], Cubase VST 5.1 & up, Cubase SX 1.05 & up)
Mac OS X
* VST OS X (Cubase SX 1.06/SX 2.0)
* Audio Units (Logic Audio 5.5 & up [6.3.1 recommended])
* MAS (Digital Performer 4.0 & up [NOTE: we strongly recommend DP 4.11 & up, featuring the new instrument tracks. Please use the MASversion of The Orchestral Collection with DP 4.1, not the audio units or VST version.])
* RTAS (Pro Tools LE & TDM: 6.1 & up [6.0 is not recommended])
Mac OS 9
Sequencer Formats:
* VST (Logic Audio 5.5 & up [Logic 4 is not recommended], Cubase VST 5.1 & up)
* MAS (Digital Performer 3.11 & up [with MAS 2.4 & up])
* RTAS (Pro Tools Free: 5.01, Pro Tools LE: 5.1 & up, Pro Tools TDM:5.1 & up [Please consult the getting started/Pro Tools document to find out more about Pro Tools compatibility on OS 9.])
System Requirements:
Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X
* CPU: 500 MHz PowerPC G3 (with limited polyphony)
* 1.5 GB of free Hard Disk space
* Sound manager audio (OS 9)/Core Audio (OS X).
* Mac OS 9.1 & up or Mac OS 10.2 & up
* DVD-ROM drive
* CPU: 1 GHz PowerPC G4. The CPU power defines the available polyphony.
* Low latency audio card (11ms or better) provided with an ASIO driver (OS 9) or a Core Audio driver (OS X) or equivalent.
* Mac OS 9.2.2 or 10.2.4 & up or 10.3.1 & up
* CPU: 500 MHz Athlon/Duron or Pentium III (with limited polyphony)
* 1.5 GB of free Hard Disk space.
* Low latency audio interface (soundcard).
* Windows 2000 or XP.
* DVD-ROM drive
* At least 1.5 GB (gigabytes) free on your C: drive to be able to install The Orchestral Collection. Easy install on another drive is not possible.
NOTE: Special Thanks goes to TEAM BEAT that created the KeyGen for this release.
1) Uncompress files with WinRar 3 or above
2) Burn or mount the image using Daemon Tools/Alcohol
3) Use BEAT KeyGen to register the product
4) Enjoy!
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