Vista Start Menu Pro 3.55
Vista Start Menu Pro 3.55
Vista Start Menu Pro 3.55. Size: 5.4 Mb
Vista Start Menu - a convenient alternative to the Start menu for Windows XP and Windows Vista. The program uses your cognitive abilities (visual memory, reflexes), but it is understandable for beginners and efficient for experienced users. This is a completely different approach in the implementation of the interface. In developing this program, we relied on features of a human-readable information, as well as the ability to memorize the location of used items.
- Save the positions of programs and folders in the
- Easy and rapid change in the size of the Start menu
- Use tabs for easy navigation through menus
- Highlighting newly installed programs
- Increase the size of the contents of the menu with hot keys (if you have poor eyesight)
- Move the menu at any convenient place on your desktop screen or the second monitor
- Quick shutdown and restart the computer using hotkeys
- Convenience function scroll through the list of programs
- Quick Launch programs using keyboard
- Run the program from the command line directly from the Vista Start Menu
- Fast search of files on your PC and information on the Internet
- Do not replace / modifies system files and system settings
- Multilingual interface with support for Russian language
Features Pro-version:
- Quick start programs in one click (click on the program folder)
- Setup menu as you like
- Fast uninstall programs directly from the Vista Start Menu
- Additional skin Aero Skin (only in Windows Vista and Windows 7)
Released: 2010
Operating system: Windows ? 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: Russian
Medicine: Present
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