Audials One Platinum 4.1 (ENG / 2010)
Audials One Platinum 4.1 (ENG / 2010) | ENG | 77.3 MB
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Lean back and let AudialsOne 4 entertain youGet music, videos, films and podcasts free of charge and in the right file format.Your musicAudialsOne works around the clock to provide you with tons of music. Just enter in a genre, artist or song title and AudialsOne searches the internet for the best online radio stations to record music and even finds matching videos! AudialsOne finds all the music you want from 80 genres and over 70,000 artists in a matter of minutes. You can even choose from a large selection of podcasts.
AudialsOne takes care of DRM copy protection and file format problems with music and audio book files via its PerfectAudio quality guarantee.
Your Films and Videos
AudialsOne helps you record films you watched on internet streams. AudialsOne provides you with the best movies and you no longer have to worry about them disappearing from online video stores. AudialsOne also records clips, capture videos and stream HD movies from video portals and Video-on-demand-websites while they play. Millions of videos and video podcasts are within your reach!
AudialsOne also takes care of problems with copy protection and file formats via its PerfectVideo quality guarantee.
Network, community and upgrade options for your free entertainment.
The Audials network employs user computers to monitor over 2,500 internet radio stations worldwide. Information on where and when which station is playing which song is exchanged, allowing you to record customized music faster than ever before.
AudialsOne also lets you import additional wish lists from the community, enabling you to record the latest hits or even entire albums by your favorite artists. Simply import the wish lists created by other users in the community at no extra cost.
You can upgrade your version of AudialsOne by using plug-ins. Either create them yourself or use those made by other users to easily access additional radio stations, video portals and sources.
The professional media converter, organizer and player
AudialsOne includes a universal converter for every file format for PCs, cell phones, iPods, as well as other portable devices. It even handles problems arising from DRM copy protection onmusic, movie and audio book files quickly and reliably. You can even easily generate cell phone ring tones.
AudialsOne completes your collection of media with id3 tags, cover images and song lyrics and organizes your collection. AudialsOne also has a media player for you to enjoy your collection.
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