JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA v9.0.1 Ultimate Edition
Winappz | JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA v9.0.1 Ultimate Edition | 136 MB
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is the full featured commercial IntelliJ IDEA with a complete set of tools and integrations with the most important modern technologies and frameworks, such as Spring and Hibernate a must have for effective Web and Java EE development.
Most Comprehensive Out of the Box Feature Set on the Market
* All of the features of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, including powerful Java refactorings and inspections, Ant and Maven integration, test runners for JUnit and TestNG, and much more.
* Simplified web development with intelligent editors for HTML, XML, CSS, javascript (with debugger support), PHP, SQL, integration for templating engines, and more.
* Supports many enterprise technologies including Java EE up to version 6, Spring 3, GWT, Struts 2, Hibernate, Google App Engine, OSGi and others.
* Impressive array of supported languages, with refactoring capabilities: ActionScript, PHP, Groovy, Scala *, Python/Jython *, Ruby/JRuby *, Clojure *.
* Supports many open source and commercial version control systems: CVS, Subversion, Git, Perforce, ClearCase, Team Foundation Server, StarTeam, Visual SourceSafe.
* Supports deployment and debugging with any of the following application servers: Tomcat, GlassFish, JBoss, Weblogic, WebSphere, Geronimo, Resin.
* Tools for working with large scale Java codebases: dependency analylis and validation, duplicate code detection, structural search and replace, UML class diagrams, code coverage analysis.
* Integrates with JetBrains TeamCity for continuous integration and pre tested commit support, as well as with YouTrack for task and context management.
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