Predeterminado Intellimon XSitePro v2.117.3275.29192 with Serial
Intellimon XSitePro v2.117.3275.29192 with Serial
Xsitepro 2.0 is a great piece of software that we use on a regular basis. !
* Easy to use web building interface
* Simple CMS menu for adding content
* Customized template styling options
* Source code flexibility
* Simple FTP functionality
* Desktop access
* Affiliate management
* Adsense capability
* SEO (Search Engine Optimized) friendly code
* Fast loading pgaes
* High ranking results
* Import functions
* File Management for PDF's and Zip's
* Renaming Capaility
* Page Tile and Meta menus for easy SEO
* Automated navigation linking for internal pages
* External linking capability.
* Export Functions
* Redirect capability
* Spider and Robot management
* SiteMap creation
* Pop-In options
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