Nik Software Complete Collection for LightRoom 2010
Nik Software Complete Collection for LightRoom 2010 (For Windows) | 71 MB
Nik Software has updated Complete Collection (a collection of software for image processing).
Nik Software Complete Collection Lightroom Edition - Five plug-ins for Lightroom from a reputable manufacturer plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop company Nik software.
Main features:
Color Efex Pro - a large collection of photographic filters, which are designed to improve your digital photos.
Dfine - amazing plugin for Adobe Photoshop, allows you to get rid of the noise of any type on your photos.
Viveza - an excellent plug-in that extends the functionality of a set of tools for editing digital images in Adobe Photoshop.
Silver Efex Pro - an excellent new plug-in for Adobe Photoshop, which allows styling of contemporary photo artists to perform digital image under stylish black and white pictures.
Sharpener Pro - a professional plug-in Adobe Photoshop, designed to adjust the image sharpness in digital photographs.
Producer: Nik Software
Language: English
OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.3 and higher.
Addon: All Inclusive
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