The Foundry Nuke & NukeX 6.0v1 All plugins (x32/x64) | 741.49 MB
The Foundry Nuke & NukeX 6.0v1 All plugins (x32/x64) - a new program to create special effects in film and video. The program used to create special effects in many films, including King Kong and the day after tomorrow, as well as in hundreds of commercials and music videos. The program used for editing videos and stage images (sikventsy). It is used when you apply effects, final assembly, processing, and so on video footage, film material, to create commercials, as well as for other tasks.
Keylight - blue / green screen keyer
Furnace - a set of 36 plug-ins
Ocula - for working with stereoscopic images
Tinder - 15 plug-ins with lighting effects
Tinderbox (4 packages, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) - glow, glare, color change, the effect of hand-drawn images, Radial Blur, defining the contours of objects, the effect of old films, lightning, mosaic, plasma and metabolic - this is not a complete list of effects, which are offered in sets of Tinderbox.
1. Installing any software.
2. For each individual product, run win32-crk.exe or win64-crk.exe
(depending on your installed version - x32 or x64).
3. Run FoundryLicenseInstaller.exe. He rugnetsya that your System ID does not match that specified in the license.
But the bottom of the window will show you your System ID.
(I like it 001a4d9a3c74)
4. Mouse click on it, highlighting it and clicking the right mouse, copy to the clipboard.
5. Open any text editor file foundry.lic.
6. Change the settings HOSTID = 000000000000 on HOSTID = your System ID, pasted from the buffer.
(I will be so - HOSTID = 001a4d9a3c74)
7. Save the changes to the license file.
8. Now again run FoundryLicenseInstaller.exe, but now you should be all about.
(in confirmation of this, will not be an inscription error and will enable the button Install).
9. Set the license and enjoy ...
P.S. Be careful when installing x64 version. Do not forget to specify the installation directory
"Program Files (x86)" or "Program Files".
On the file:
Enabling | reg code: there
Language: English only
File format: rar
Platform / OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista (x32, x64)
الذين يشاهدون الموضوع الآن: 1 (0 من الأعضاء و 1 زائر)
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