Cisco Pix Firewall Simulator | Flash | ZIP | 5.21 MB
Collection of 25 flash files. You can simulate, interactively, the configuration of a Cisco Pix Firewall.
* Basic PIX Configuration
* Config NAT Stats and Conduits
* Configure Multiple Interfaces
* Configure the PIX as a DHCP Server
* Configuring PIX as a DHCP client
* Configuring Logging
* Configuring Logging - Verification
* Denying outbound Traffic
* Allowing Outbound Traffic
* Configure PIX to work with WebSense
* Installing WebSense
* Configure WebSence to block by URL
* Configure Websense to block by workstation
* Configure the Fixup Protocol on PIX
* Configuring PIX for IDS signature
* CSACS Install and Add User
* Configuring Authentication
* Confg the Primary PIX Firewall
* Configure IKE and IPSec on the PIX
* Verify IPSec Configuration
* Password Recovery & Image Update
* Configuring the CSIS Feature Set
* Configure Cisco Secure ACS Set
* Configure AAA and Authentication Proxy
* Verify Authentication Proxy Configuration
I do not know who was writen this excelent piece of software but i think it was a tiny one added into the Cisco Press Practice tests (included with the books).
Minimal Requirements:
Computer with flash player
Total size on disk 12.7 MB
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