PDF-XChange Viewer 2.050.0

Those wishing to view PDF files on their Windows PC's now have a choice when it comes to Viewing PDF files - the PDF-XChange Viewer is smaller, faster and more feature rich than the Adobe Reader which has until now been the Reader of choice for PDF files - we think that's about to change!

The PDF-XChange Viewer PRO extends the functionality of our award winning PDF viewer to include additional features and options - essential to anyone creating, entering data to forms or modifying PDF files.

In addition to all the existing features in the Free PDF-XChange Viewer - the PRO release currently offers:

* Add/Edit/Move Bookmarks
* Delete pages
* Scale Printing
* Move Pages - By Drag&drop in Thumbnails View.
* Custom Stamps (Text and Image)
* Insert/Import Pages (from existing PDF files)
* Extract pages to a new (PDF/Image File)
* Crop Pages/Files
* Customize User Interface (Toolbar options etc)
* Flatten Annotations/Comments
* Insert Blank page
* Measurement Tools
* Summarize Comments
* Export Comments
* Link Editor Tool
* Improved JBIG2 Compression
* Measuring Tools (perimeter and area)
* Scan Direct to PDF
* Convert Images Direct to PDF
* Convert Text files direct to PDF
* Print PDF as booklet, nUP, tiles, etc.

Size : 19 MB


