Veescope Live provides real-time visual feed back on a live video source connected to your Apple MacIntosh computer. Veescope displays real-time chroma key, and high and low video level Zebra patterns. It uses the computer's graphics card, instead of the CPU allowing for much better performance. Veescope Live works with any Quicktime video input source, such as a DV firewire stream, or a high-definition video capture card. In addition, Veescope Live can display a waveform or vector scope directly on top of the video. Veescope Live provides industry standard scopes such as, Waveform and Vector. Veescope Live overlays any scope directly on top of the video in order for you to locate problems with the video. The video underneath the scope is changed to black and white, in order to make the scope more visible. Veescope Live has a real time Chroma Key preview allowing you to make adjustments to key color, hue range, saturation range, and luminance range. Best of all, the chroma keying is being performed on your graphics card leaving your computer free to do other things.
Version 2.0.1:
- A background image's width could shrink by 8 pixels in the previous version. It has now been corrected.
System requirements:
Mac Platform: UB
OS version: 10.4
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