ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition Lite RePack
About the program: ABBYY FineReader 10 Corporate Edition - version to work in a corporate network, is ideal for you if you need:
. Effectively build business processes, focused on electronic document management;
. Efficient use of network resources of the company: scanners and MFP. Load and manage the hardware, setting the processing time;
. Easily set up and administer the product;
. Choose the optimal licensing scheme.
Title: ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition Lite RePack [Release Date: February 10, 2010]
Developer: ABBYY Software
Year: 2010
Optical Character Recognition program, created to work in a corporate network. Is well positioned ABBYY FineReader Professional Edition. In addition, supports automatic network installation, work with network scanners and MFP, batch processing of documents in the automatic mode, the distributed processing. There are convenient tools for administration. There lucrative licensing schemes.
Features 10 ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition:
. Receiving and processing of images
. Analysis and Recognition
. Saving results
. Ease and convenience of use
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